-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at www.usccb.org
-check out this week's LinC Letter on the back of the parish bulletin or at www.saint-albert.org/lincletter
-I will be celebrating mass at St Albert at 6pm on Sunday. I will celebrate masses at our Lady of Grace on Saturday at 4:00 PM, and Sunday at 8 AM and 11 AM
Turn, and Walk Away
On this fourth feast of the Christmas season the message of incarnation comes to us in the image of the magi. As with the other Christmas feasts the church is asking us to see God in the pilgrimage of human life. That presence of God made visible is powerfully image in the journey of the magi. In Christian parlance we we might Re-image it with the concept of pilgrimage. The Magi have a vision and they journey to fulfill it.
Very important part of the journey of the magi and Christian pilgrimage is the notion of conversion. In fulfilling their vision (paying homage to the newborn King of the Jews) and returning home they change( conversion) the direction or the manner in which they are walking. They went home by another way. The real purpose of pilgrimage is to for fill the journey by changing the way we walk.
In the journey or pilgrimage of the magi we can see an invitation to reinterpret our Christian life. That new interpretation would be marked by vision and conversion (turning about). So, the question for us as we consider our Christian life is 1. Do we see our life as a pilgrim journey toward deeper communion with God? And 2. Can we make the necessary turnabout(s) to fulfill that vision of our life‘s journey?
What do you think?