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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 25 Homily Prep

-Last week's homily didn't make it into recording
-This week's scriptures are at
-I am preaching at the 4:00pm on Saturday and the 11am on Sunday


Jim said...

I like your take on the gospel. I have often found myself "blind" to the will of God, or just not trusting what I see is part of the big picture that I do not see. The second reading from St. Paul offers some advise on this as well.

Anonymous said...

Father, I can't picture you sad, angry or fearful about anything. Thanks for your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Very often, I do not see and even hear what God wants from me. I just do not understand why things are happening in a different way that I desire. Totally "blind" to the will of God, just like Jim.
Not until my discouragement is big enough to the point of accepting "whatever"..then my "blindness" enable me to perceive God's will working on me.I was blinded for just a very good reason, the will of God is better than mine.
Learning little by little that God is taking me to unknown and difficult roads, but at the same time helping me to walk in a way that I don't even knew ever existed, increases my faith and trust in my "Guide". I can see this chronic "blindness" as a ray of light, a positive change of mind and heart, I know this blindness will be repeated quite often during my journey.... I need your prayers. :-) Gitana

JoyFuralle said...

Phew...sure I have been soooooooooo convinced of the "rightness" of my life that I have become blinded to God's life for me. Definitely. Over and over. And I have been soooooooooooo justified in telling somebody else of their "sin" or shortcoming. Oh, Lord have mercy!

Father nailed it...what has helped so much in recent times is questioning myself, and being very suspicious of myself. Like the psalmist, "my sins are ever before me." I can look back and see so many times my motives were less-than-pristine and totally self-centered. My mind was set. Ugh! And at the time I was blind to it. And I was CONVINCED of how good/right/on it I was. I. Me. Not about the Lord and His Will and His Love and Compassion. So now I am VERY unsure of myself, although I may appear confident. But my confidence is in Christ and His Love for me and all my brothers & sisters. I am TOTALLY SURE He will lead me (and us) by right paths. Do I always get it "right"? No, but it's not about being right as much as being open to change, following Christ, being teachable (docile) like Mary was docile. That Great Lord of ours knows my heart is to please Him, to do His Will. From Sunday's psalm, "Good and upright is the LORD; thus he shows sinners the way."

Question on conversion / DAILY conversion a possibility? If one goes to Mass daily, and truly HEARS the Word, and a change of mind is embraced and believed....possible? I want DAILY conversion, and I'm thinking that desire is not my own but the Lord's desire in me.

Signs (fruits) of following the Will of, joy or matter the challenge, turmoil...good article at

anon 1 said...

I too have been blind, and as Gitana suggests, I am sure that the struggle with opening my eyes will occur throughout my lifetime. I think for some people this is exactly what turns them against religion. They’ve witnessed enough so-callled religious people in their lives who speak and judge by the law but, in the living out of that law they have not “left room for God to move in new ways.” It’s easy to see how this can happen. I like the structure that rules bring. It’s easy to wrap my head around them. But that is just the problem, because in focusing on the laws by themselves I can lose sight of the will of God – the way in which God wants me to live the law more fully. I liked the Matador’s mention of “changing our minds and believe in Him.” Faith is not only a matter of the heart, but directing everything about us (heart, mind, and soul) to what the Lord is asking of us. Discernment is not as efficient as simply focusing on the rules - it takes time, passivity on my part, total surrender. Ugh! That ‘s a lotta work, and scary too!

Anonymous said...

I personally think that we make religion so very difficult and that is the way to get a great frustation to the point of " why to care"

If we love the best we know, we are Christ, if we have compassion, we are Christ, if we help the poor, we are Christ... why to be concern with rules and regulations? Being Christ, no imitating Christ is our goal, no?
It is simple to the point :-) We all become Christ in a different way....but loving is the key, no?

Anonymous said...

Gitana -- I love your paragraph about loving the best we know, etc... I totally agree with it. My problem is, aren't the rules important? For example, if we miss Mass, break the 10 Commandments, don't fast or go to breaking these laws of the Church, aren't we putting our souls in danger?
The Church seems to be all about who can follow the rules best. I am afraid of breaking a rule and putting my soul in danger. How can I get past this worry about breaking the rules, going to hell, etc.. and focus more on Christ? lr

JoyFuralle said...

Use Padre Pio's advice . . . "Pray, hope and don't worry." Or from the scriptures... "Pray, rejoice, give thanks."

Anonymous said...

So does that devalue the laws and dogmas of our Faith? I am so conflicted about this. lr

Anonymous said...

In order for us to brake the "rules" the way I understand it is that you have to brake the rules INTENCIONALLY, meaning that you know you are breaking the rules and still you do it, that is sin.
But breaking the rules without intention I do not think it is " breaking the rules". I used to go to confession with such a guilty heart when I was unable to go to Mass because I was ill, ...this is not trusting the Lord, I think.
God forgive us every second if we ask, no?
So as Joy states about Padre Pio, Pray, Hope and DO NOT WORRY, we do our best!! That is freedom.
Following the 10 Comm., that is the rule!!

JoyFuralle said...

Jesus came that we may have life & life more abundantly. The Jews were persnickety about fulfilling the law yet their hearts were cold & hard. Jesus came that our Joy would be full. He came for SINNERS, of these we are ALL!!! But the sin is irrelevant (not that you purposely sin) compared to the love God gives us to give to others. God is Love & Mercy & Compassion & Forgiveness. So He wants us to be & live. Gosh, LR, I wish I knew who you were! In the meantime, I'm praying joy & peace your way.

Anonymous said...

I guess what worries me is that you can live your whole life "good", then commit one mortal sin and if you die before confessing it, you're toast. I am so afraid I am going to blow it at the last minute. lr

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this small paragraph that in my prayer group we call RULE ONE will help you to decrease your worries.
RULE ONE...God created me in his image, He loves me and died for me.
He keeps me in existence every moment and offers to be with me in paradise today.
(By a very well known author)

He will never allow you to be "toasted" :-)
I know for sure He loves you and He is smiling at your comments.
God is good.

Anonymous said...

I just have a hard time getting past the just judge God the Father (as He is in the Old Testament). :( lr

JoyFuralle said...

Peace, are perhaps misunderstanding Catholic teaching, at many levels, and it seems you're blaming God for your misinterpretations of Church teaching. Whatever "hard time" you are having may be a simple resistance to grace or lack of believing what Mother Church teaches. Also, regarding judgment, check out the creed we pray every week...

On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He (meaning Jesus) will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

Please consider reading/referencing the Catechism. If that is too difficult, there is the Compendium Catechism.

anon 1 said...

Gitana - on your second entry above, "loving is the key;" a line from a song that speaks to me is "God who fills the oceans, fill our hearts with love." Wonderful image, no? :-)

And lr, that image is a reminder of his boundless mercy. Do not fret - He knows your heart.

Anonymous said...
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