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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Homily Prep February 22

-Last Sunday's homily is available by email
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at Sunday readings
-check out this weeks LinC letter
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 5:30 Sat, 8am, 12:15(at cathedral) &6:00pm

My only message this Lenten time: definitely put down something in your life to which you have too tight of a hold. But, my goodness, don't fail to pick up something that the Lord has in store for you.


Peg said...

Well, that should make lent a cakewalk. Giving and receiving, closing and opening a door. What a healthy way to live.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm . . . I seem to feel a certain sadness in the tone of this weeks reflection.

During my spiritual journey for many, many years, this idea of letting go, letting go, letting go, was constantly at the forefront of my thoughts and actions; predominating my whole way of living. IT became my "god" and I became empty, almost a superficial being without a "life" because I was constantly letting go, not letting anything penetrate my being, not being committed to anything.

Until God so miraculously stepped in and gave to me a gift so beautiful to "hold" very close, very dear to my heart; for me to hold for Him and with Him and from Him.

Holding on to this gift with Him, became precisely where He dwelt with me; meaning, giving my whole self, offering my sacrifices, my sufferings to preserve, to enhance, to deepen, to make even more real, the beauty and the love of this gift He so generously gave to me for my own with Him.

Perhaps it takes discernment on what it is that really God wants us to let go of (power, control, etc.)and what He wants for us to really hold on to; to work at deepening (the beautiful gift of loving someone).

I write this because this has been my inspirational insight at the onset of my Lenten journey this year: to share my Lent, spend my sufferings and sacrifices to deepen this gift He has given to me right here; close to my heart.

Anonymous said...

Lent is a good time for me to lay down my feelings of doubt, guilt, and entitlement. Time to pick up God's gifts of faith, hope, and love.

anon anew said...

These entries are tender and speak clearly to me. They turn my thinking to the psalm this week, that does remind us that we can most assuredly let go of the doubt, guilt, entitlement. There is no need of them. God's love and mercy will ever hold us. "Your ways O Lord are love and truth." God's love is so immense - and filled with mystery.

JoyFuralle said...

I don't think I recognize things I have too tight a hold on ... Need help, clarification on that, examples. You have joked, if you want to know your faults, ask your spouse or friends ... Not much help there.

In years past I thought & thought & thought about what to do, what to give up, what to work on ... Now I know there was too much of the holy trinity of ME, MYSELF & I involved in it. It has taken a LONG time to realize these actions of prayer, fasting & almsgiving are supposed to effect a CHANGE to love & give more fully.

Heard a profound thought the other day on fasting ... When you suppress a desire others come to the surface.

Anonymous said...

God works in wondrous and mysterious ways, it is beyond our comprehension.

We utter the word "Amen"... we give ourselves to God, we submit to His Will.

"Put down something in your Life that you have too tight of a hold.
Pick up something that the Lord has in store for you." How and when do we know what?
An interpretation of what you are saying --" Let go and Let God "

We must Pay Attention !
Or as said " Let us be Attentive " ! This verse is used many ways...primarily telling us not only to pay attention but prepare ourself for the Holy of Holies . We must empty ourself so that we may fill ourself with Christ. Spiritually prepare!
We are active in this process -- but with God's doing it is a wondrous mystery!

What a great journey Lent is!
My journey is great - purposefully "driven" by something I know I need to be spiritual perceptive and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit . The knowing that something has to be done.

Amen .

Anonymous said...

Reflecting on a paragraph that Anonymous said--

"Perhaps it takes discernment on what it is that really God wants us to let go of (power, control, etc.)and what He wants for us to really hold on to; to work at deepening (the beautiful gift of loving someone)."

Letting go of Fear and accepting the beautiful gift of Love.

Love is where it's at.
Every aspect of Love is important. We must do everything with Love.