-Last week's homily is available by email
-The Scriptures for this Sunday are at USCCB.org >>
-I will be introducing the Lenten Mission at all Masses this weekend (pray for me)
Drive(driv) vt, 1. to force to go; urge onward; push forward
Mr. Webster's first definition of the word "drive" is at the beginning, the heart, and the base of the Christian life. I have come to this conclusion from this portion of Mark's Gospel, Chapter 1, in which we are told that following the baptismal experience of the Spirit.... "The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert.". Think about that. Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is subject to the Spirit. The Spirit moves him and he is subject to the Spirit. Is that same Spirit the driving force of our lives, our church, our family, our parish?
What drives you? ....to be driven. To go, urge, push...drive
The text then reveals that this same Jesus, who is Lord and Master of the Christian life, encountered other and contrary forces that attempt to "drive" him. In this immediate case, Satan. Jesus, of course, remains close to the angels of God and he demonstrates to his disciples that we can and must choose which powers, motivations, desires, compunctions, temptations we will submit ourselves to.
What drives you? ....to be driven. To go, urge, push...drive
That's, "Good News"! Kind of. What I mean is that Jesus (and we his disciples) are beloved children of God with whom God is apparently well-pleased...happy with us and we with God. God's desire for us is our happiness....walking under his wings, "ever near to His side" (seasonal responsorial psalm). This is NOT so Good News inasmuch as we are free and we are tempted to submit to "other" powers as our driving force. Since Adam and Eve - the temptation has been there, Jesus showed us the "path to life" (seasonal responsorial psalm).
What drives you? ....to be driven. To go, urge, push...drive
Our lifelong call is to continuously submit to the Spirit as the driving force in our lives, that we may "walk ever joyful" (seasonal responsorial psalm) clinging to the hand of God. Happiness is God's desire for us - too often we choose to follow those forces that bring us nothing but ultimate unhappiness.
What drives you?
Our Parish Lenten Mission 2012 begins this Sunday evening at 7:00pm and we will spend three evenings reflecting upon this call to happiness with the Lord and how the Spirit might more and more be the driving force of our lives. Mr. Jim Berlucchi will preach and teach, we will have wonderful prayer, and even enjoy the growing spirit of friendship among us through some social time.
I urge you, prompt you, tempt you, dare you, to allow the Spirit to drive you to our Lenten Mission this year. What are you driven to do the next three nights? Come and be free!
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Get into the ring! How this works...
This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily idea...my main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!