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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

August 27 Homily Prep

-Last Sunday's homily is available by email
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at
-check out this week's LinC Letter on the back of the parish bulletin or at
-I will be celebrating mass at 8am and 12:30pm on Sunday


the quality of being believable or worthy ofrespect, especially within a particular social,professional, or other group: If you wear this t-shirt, you’ll be earning geek cred.
Both chefs have plenty of Southern cred.
See also street cred.

 This slang expression captures the gospel message and our call as disciples of Jesus Christ in the church. Historically we have  understood this gospel passage  as a challenge for Jesus' disciples as to whether or not they are understanding who Jesus is. We have also understood this exchange between Jesus and Simon Peter as giving Simon Peter their identity and mission.

In our vision 2020:  "+one holy, kind, and giving"  the very first goal that the parish pastoral Council has assigned for our accomplishing this vision is that "the parishioners of Saint Albert the great would come to know themselves and become known in the community as a compassionate kind welcoming community of faith". 

  So, my question for the assembly this weekend in the preaching is 1. Who do you say that we are as a parish community? And 2. Who do people in our community and neighborhood say that we are as a Catholic community? 

 Do we have any "cred" as the compassionate and healing and generous body of Christ, the face of Jesus?