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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter III - Put Back in Place

Last Sunday's homily is available in the library>>>>>>>>

I am preaching on Saturday April 17 at the 4:00pm and on Sunday April 18 at 11:00 & 12:30.

This Sunday's readings are available at the link posted "USCCB">>>

Notice we are collecting a few comments that are very helpful and some followers of the blog.

This third Sunday of Easter pushes our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus and the remission of sins a bit further....quite a bit.

It is one thing to forgive (see Homily of April 11 2010). It is a second thing to be reconciled (a very different thing). It is a third and colossal thing to be restored to ones original place of trust. Jesus forgives Peter's betrayal, the two are reconciled, and then Jesus says "I am going to make myself vulnerable to you again." Wow.

Jesus puts Peter back in his place as leader of the flock (remember .... You are Peter) even after Peter let him down. Jesus checks the sincerity of Peter's conversion, his repentance, and his sincere purpose of amendment and then he says "now go and do what I need you to do"....knowing full well that Peter is still imperfectly Peter.

Jesus trusts frail Peter because of new power from on high. It is no longer reliant upon Peter's weak commitment but it is all about the risen and invincible power of Jesus Christ. Can we do the same in our lives?

Can the husband entrust his heart to the wife who has betrayed him? Can the adult child of the recovering alcoholic parent let there be family love after all these years and injuries?

Only by the power of resurrection. What do you think?


Jim said...

I agree. The hard part obviously is to think in terms of forgiveness and reconciliation. But, if we think of ourselves as Peter, it makes it easier. I also like the way Jesus did this while feeding the disciples again. He seems to be showing us that just as Peter's place was restored, so ours is at every mass with the Eucharist.

Anonymous said...

We are like Peter, we often deny Jesus by our actions.
Forgiveness and reconciliation are part of our daily vocabulary, we know it is a must to "practice" both, just because "we love
There is a cost to responding to Jesus' love. Love involves responsibility,acceptance of our Lover's will,also involves following Him in His daily invitation to us...feed my lambs, tend my sheep.
Restoring ourselves it is very painful and difficult task because involves our most inner let-go personal attachments. But, if we truly desire to get back our spiritual freedom lost by our actions, it will require more than a conversation with God telling Him " I am going to be God from now on." It will require to work with the church community to help the ones in need also to accept the ones that we did forgive but still we can't even face them. It will require to die to our old way of living and rise with Jesus as a new me. P.

Anonymous said...

Wow I am blown away by these profound comments! So much on which to meditate!

On a slightly different note, it is amazing to consider the trust Jesus has in us. He trusts us poor weak imperfect creatures with our own souls, let alone the souls of others, knowing how vulnerable we are, being sheep amidst wolves. How we desperately need him!

What did Jesus think when He looked upon his disciples, knowing THEY were to carry His message to the World and be responsible for the propagation of the faith?

Can you picture the fishermen from "Deadliest Catch" preaching the Gospel around the world? Would you trust them with your church? lr

anon 1 said...

I recently read an interesting commentary on this passage. This particular commentator points out that in this conversation between Jesus and Peter, two different words are used for love. Jesus is using “agapao,” to mean a more radical and unconditional love; Peter is using “fileo,” to be the love of friendship. So, the first couple of times Jesus asks Peter the question, he is really asking, “Peter, do you love me wholeheartedly, without any thought of yourself?” And in response Peter answers, “Lord, you know that I love you as a friend.” But then finally the third time Jesus changes his question and asks, “Peter, do you love me as a friend?” To this Peter responds, hurt, “Jesus, You know everything: you know that I love you as a friend.” So, as this commentator says, Jesus and Peter know and accept, with pain, that Peter is capable of no more at this moment.
Personally, I found this to be a sad interpretation – I was in pain myself! But our commentator writes that Pope Benedict has a different reaction. The Pope suggests that Jesus meets Peter on his level, where Peter is comfortable – and it is this movement on Jesus’ part that allows this disciple who had so recently betrayed him, to experience hope once again. Amazing!!

DBerlekamp said...

I am always fascinated by Peter's reaction when he realized Jesus was on shore - I would imagine that His presence was so overwhelming for Peter that he disregarded any logic and dove right into the water to see Jesus as quickly as possible.

I think its a wonderful reminder to the effects of the awesome presence of our Lord-especially when we may least expect the office, doing chores around the house, with family or friends. And as with Peter and the other disciples, when the Lord "interrupts" our daily activities with His presence, I think we may often find how much more wonderful those simple daily acts become when we respond to him with love and conviction.