The readings for this coming week are found at the USCCB>>>
My mass schedule for this coming Sunday is Saturday 5/29/10 at 4:00pm and Sunday 5/30/10 at 9:30am
Last week I asked the question "where are you?" and for those who heard that(see Library May 23, 2010) know that I meant, "in the flesh" or "in the spirit". This feast of the Trinity might prompt me to ask a similarly phrased question, "who are you?"
While the feast of the Blessed Trinity is about "Who" God is, I believe that ultimately it comes down to 'who' we are. You see, from the beginning we were created in the divine image. So, a feast that talks about the identity of God (Trinity) is going to have an answer in who we are as God's images (Imago Dei)
There is a new book out called "God is Not One". It is a comparative religion book by a theology professor from Boston College. He identifies the eight major religions of the world and says that these are NOT simply eight different "ways" to the same and single God. Rather, he says, these are eight different "solutions" to eight different "problems"...eight different gods, if you will.
Understanding who YOUR God is (and what the problem in life that you are solving), will determine what your religious life is all about. Since religion is the central mystery of our human lives, knowing the identity of our "god" will unravel the mystery of our lives.
Who is your God? Why do you pursue that God? Ours is Trinity - pure love.
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Get into the ring! How this works...
This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!
I recently read a good book – “Why Go To Church?” by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP. His writing begins with talking about the Trinity and their existence for one another. A line he used that sticks with me is, “For God ‘to be’ is ‘to-be-related.’” This is my answer to “the Matador’s” question as to who is my God – my God is one of loving relationship. In the Trinity we see a God who is not the independent type – a God who is never about competition, rivalry, or self-service. Rather, our God (my God), is other-centered and One who loves without condition - Whose very existence IS relationship. So, I do see my existence being made in that image. I have a need for being with and for others, for loving them, caring for them, and collaborating with them. And I have a need for feeling the same in return from them. As Paul says, “the love of God has been poured out into our hearts,” and that love is meant to be shared. Of course, in this world of ours that loving is challenged, hence our need for our Church and the Eucharist, where we can be refreshed and transformed a bit more each week.
I love the sound of that!
Anon 1 put it so eloquently and I agree.
It took me awhile to reflect on this post and what it means. I think a good way to determine who your god is, is to consider what primarily motivates you in life and who you are. What do you do with love - like the parable of the servant who hid his fortune and the one who invested it.
First of all, everyone on this earth can and wants to be loved on some level, no matter what religion, non-religion, how evil you are or whatever. A baby is born knowing how to react to love. Since we are created in God's Image, we have this innate love in our souls. What we choose to do with this love reflects who our god is.
Most of the movies, music, tv, and books are about love and the pursuit of it (Hollywood's sinister version of it). If your god is the god of this world (evil one), your primary motivations in life are shallow, wordly ones -- drugs, money, fame, sex, comforts of this world. That would motivate you to "use" the love of God's Image in a perverted way, like channeling it to the love of money, pursuit of fame, pornography, etc, or "stepping" on people at work to get ahead.
Love, kindness and caring are what motivate me and reflects the qualities of my God. I know my God will love me, quirks and all, understand me, and gently rebuke me when I am on the wrong path. He knows how to "handle" me and He "gets" me. In other words, He always laughs at my jokes :) and thinks I am brilliant (ha).
Indeed the times I feel the happiest and most joyful are the times I am immersed in God's love: praising God at Mass, reading about Him, learning about Him, talking about him.
After that, I am happiest and most motivated by giving away the love God gave me by loving other people, caring about them and doing kind things. Many times I have been told I was a fool for demonstrating kindness to people who others felt did not "deserve" it. It brings me indescribably joy and satisfaction to love and be kind and that is who I am at the core. And when kindness and love are returned to me, I am beyond crushed (in a good way) with the weight of God's love directed at me!!
The times in my life in which I am most regretful and ashamed (and stand out in my memory the most) are all the times I chose not to show love or kindness. Those times contrast so sharply with my God.
The limits of my human intellect cannot comprehend the greatness of God's love for me. However, I know that this love is all I will ever need and all I have ever wanted. It will be an all-fulfilling and all-consuming fire. I can't wait to feel the full effects of it in Heaven!
My God is unconditional love! lar
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