The June 6 Homily (What are you?) is in the library>>>
On June 12/13 we have a missionary preacher. No homily til the 20th!
The readings for Sunday are available at USCCB>>>
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Get into the ring! How this works...
This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!
Father: would you be able to, or be interested in, making a question-and-answer section to your blog? :) bc you know some of us have SO many questions haha :) lar
A little bit late, but this is in reference to lar, June 9.
I have been following Fr. Ed's homilies since 1999...long time I must say.
Personally for me, the beauty of his Sunday's homily comments plus the time to reflect on it for a week or more... until the next time, is what counts.
Questions and answers are great idea but, I like to make my reflections a personal opportunity to communicate with God a kind of contemplative experience.
Perhaps the 3rd Thursday of each month there is an opportunity for Q/A
In response: Some of us just can't make it to the 9:15 Coffee and Conversation group even though we would love to go.
I appreciate your contemplative approach to Father's homilies but you have been hearing them since 1999 and are more familiar with his style of preaching and are probably on a different level, spiritually, than I. I am trying to learn all I can and considering different ways of thinking, in order to learn as much as possible here.
We all think differently and have different styles of learning. I am not learned like Father with all his awesome schooling. Sometimes something in a homily is over my head and I would like clarification on it or a different way of explaining an idea in order to get the most out of the homily.
I didn't realize my comment would be so offensive.
Please, please do not take my comments that way, Your comments are not at all offensive, you are right we all think, differently.I am not more spiritual than you, it is only an oppinion answering your comment.
NO OFFENSE AT ALL. Forgive me!.
God bless you and me. Perhaps we should introduce each other in church, what do you think?
:) After I typed the question suggestion, I thought it was stupid but couldn't delete it! God Bless you! lr
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