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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Third Sunday of the Year - January 23, 2011

-The homily for last Sunday is in the library
-The scriptures for this Sunday are at
-I am preaching at the 4pm on Saturday and the 11:00 and 12:30 on Sunday

Why are you so sad?
This past week I had my annual physical, actually I skipped last year so it wasn't exactly annual. Physicals are funny things because you go see a doctor when you are not feeling sick. You have no symptoms (that you're aware of) and the doctor looks for them. And you know, in this day and at my age, they can usually find something to give you a pill for. Thank goodness

Symptomology is a great thing: by careful observation and study we have become familiar with the signs that one is sick. Depending upon the symptoms of one's discomfort, we can diagnose the illness within. The external manifestations or symptoms, reveal the hidden innner reality.

The symptom of our salvation is joy and peace. Too many ostensibly religious people manifest neither symptom. There is so much sadness in the Body of Christ. Why are you sad, down, flat, depressed, disappointed, given up? The absence of the symptoms of peace and joy seem to call into question whether or not one is truly saved.

Have you had a check up lately. Ask your best friend, your spouse, your kids, or I redeemed by Jesus Christ and enjoying everlasting salvation? I'll bet they will tell you how sad or how joyful you are.


Anonymous said...

My symptom was pain, the diagnosis was terminal. I felt like I had a glimpse of understanding Philippians - specifically 1:21 and St. Paul’s words: In my weakness, I am strong.

This past summer I entered, in excruciating pain, an emergency room. After a CAT scan, I was admitted into this Chicago hospital for 3 days and diagnosed with, they said, a “tumor or cancer”. While in the hospital, I received Holy Communion and the hospital Chaplain gave me anointing of the sick, we talked for awhile and he told me,-“you’re not going anywhere, God has something for you to do.” … yeah, uh huh. Two doctors talked to me about this thing growing inside me and sent me away until the next appointment when they would go inside. I spent the next 5 ½ weeks or so in daily mass, weekly confession, and frequent Eucharistic Adoration. I returned to the doctors, they looked inside and found “nothing”.. that’s what he said, “ I don’t know what it was, but there’s nothing there, it’s gone.. whatever it was is gone, in fact, you’re very healthy.”

Huh? All this time I had spent in Adoration praying, having discussion with God, petition with our Blessed Mother, and asking and wondering how the Saints dealt with pain, suffering, humility, and how did they get so close to God? I offered it all up to God and asked only for the grace of His strength to get me through it. His Will be done. I had peace and was joyful.

And it had come to this?

How can this be? Did this mean I couldn’t go home? I wanted to be with God. HE left me here… and, HIS Will be done.

Please, don’t get me wrong… I have spent many hours, moments, days, and continue to do so in praise and thanksgiving to God for this He has done… however, still

I AM sad.

Can I not accept HIS Will? I DO want to do HIS Will – I pray about it all the time… almost unceasingly.

I just don’t know what to do. What does He want me to do? I’ve spent hours in Adoration… the only answer I ever get is: “I just want to keep you near me, and don’t be afraid.”

What does this mean?

Wouldn’t you rather be in a place where there is no suffering, no pain, no hunger, no thirst, no wanting, no temptation... no sadness.. surrounded by REAL, TRUE, UNCONDITIONAL Love than be here in this terrible mess of a world with all of the above and so much more. I would.

Some might call that pretty sad, or maybe even depressed.

When I discovered that I preferred to be with Him instead of here, I had to go to confession – I realized I had a preference. Oh no… I had a preference. That’s kinda like saying God’s plan is not good enough for me.

God, will I ever get it.

I’m just here now… this wasn’t part of “my” plan - I’m just hanging out and loving God. I don’t have a clue what I’m supposed to do.

Now, that IS sad.

I think I need one of those spiritual advisor people.

There are many writings in the Bible that are incredibly joyful to me… however, I can’t recall any time or anywhere in the Bible that Jesus is said to be smiling or laughing, or even joyful? Please tell me differently. I want to know.
Of course, JESUS WAS THE GOOD NEWS, wasn’t He - and it is when I am in praise or just simply being in Love with GOD that I am in the most overwhelming indescribable joy and peace – but, that’s just me and HIM… how selfish is that.
I think I’m stuck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous... How blessed you are!
Can you see that God through this health ordeal has brought you much closer to Him that perhaps you ever though?
Do not be stuck please, be very greateful that you are healthy and closer to your Father here in earth. Keep praying as you are doing now. Keep loving Jesus.
Your community of faithful needs you, get involved and praise the Lord for all the goodness he has done to you.
Your have the best spiritual advisor, Jesus himself, by His actions it is evident He loves you so much. ACCEPT HIS WILL, your will convert your sadness in JOY AND PEACE.
May be you can share too with someone you trust your feelings.
God bless you. Gitana

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your story, anonymous. I can relate to what anonymous is saying, too. Once you know what awaits on the other side, it's so hard to be here in this world with our human limits. It's frustrating wanting to be "there" and we are stuck "here." I am thankful for the connection we have with Christ in the Eucharist, yet I crave much MORE. That is the sadness I feel in the Body of Christ. lr