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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Second Sunday of the year Prep. 1/15/12

-Homily from 1/8 by email
-Scriptures 1/15 at USCCB .org
-I am preaching at 5:30, 8:0 & 11:00

Destination Theology

"What are you looking for?" It really does determine what you see, what you find and where you end up. Test that aphorism against each aspect of your life. Let me know if it is true for you.


Tom Sawyer said...

What we are looking for is certainly reflected by what we spend our time doing and seeking. If we are focused on Christ we will be spending more time devoted to His work and worship. Christ is the one true treasure that is more than we could imagine. Most of our pursuits do not satisfy and disappoint. The worldly goals rarely meet expectations but God always exceeds our expectations.

JoyFuralle said...

This is the shortest writing you've ever done and I've read it over and over and over. I've done as you've said, most especially the difficult and hard things of life. I seek the Kingdom of God & his righteousness; I seek the glory of God. With a few recent events, I just don't see it. Want to, desire it with all my heart, it's just not there. On reflecting with what you've said, I'll go with the Psalm, I'll just wait, wait for the Lord. Makes me think of another scripture, Lord to whom shall we go? YOU have the words of Eternal Life!

Blessed be God, and thank you Father!

Faith said...

Yes, it certainly is true for me. It’s been in these middle aged years of life that I’ve turned my attention even more fully to God: seeking His will, grappling with the mix of the human and the divine. As this became more and more the focus of my life, everything in my life took on that hue. Gradually I see God – and the goodness of God – in all things…even in the trials. And where I end up – when I am successful in keeping those worldly anxieties away – is in a place of peace, even if there is chaos around me, because I am assured of God’s presence and omnipotence.

Anonymous said...

Precious comments!.
In my case, my own expectations determine what I "want" to see and how I can manipulate it to my own satisfaction.... However not for a long time, I am learning how to put aside those trouble making expectations and instead turn toward Jesus looking for His advice. It really works!

John said...

Yes - there have been many experiences and aspects in my life that lend truth to your statement and homily focus. What I was looking for determined the outcome of many of life's choices ranging from career and work to spouse and family. Oftentimes the final determination, howver, was influenced by or made known to me by another. Like Eli was for Samuel and like John the Baptist was for his disciples. You have a sense for what you are looking for, but need to get pointed in the right direction. Once you find it, you know what you were looking for.