-Last Sunday's homily is available by email
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at USCCB.org
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 4:00, 8:00, 9:30 and 12:30
Demolition or Reconstruction?
I think i might like being a Reconstruction Architects. I don't think I have the creativity to be an architect (design something from scratch), but I do think I have an interest and knack for analyzing what exists and proposing a more workable renovation. I see the salvation won for us in Christ Jesus as not a "new creation" so much as a re-creation - a reconstruction job putting things right.
What is this effect of Christ's Salvation? I am considering Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. The "blood of Christ" and the work of Christ "in his flesh" have accomplished some big reconstruction. That "new person" or "one person" from the two was created out of the demolition of the dividing wall between us and God and us and our neighbor. Whoa!
This makes salvation fundamentally reconciliation, that is, the taking of something broken and dysfunctional and healing it by a reunion. Did you realize that you were far off? Do you experience salvation as a "being put back together"? To what extent is EVERY Eucharist a re-connecting with this reconstruction process?
Let me know
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Get into the ring! How this works...
This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily idea...my main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!
Love it, LOVE IT, L-O-V-E I-T!!! What a GREAT prep! Years and years ago I thought I was okay, not so bad. And the more I went, I realized I was NOT that okay, and that my past WAS far off! More & more I realize I am a DAILY work in progress, that I have to keep MY nose to MY grindstone and that I am most definitely under construction. A-N-D... that we ALL are!!! Somebody might seem like a saint or someone might seem like a (fill in the blank), but we are ALL works in progress. Once I realized that, I can forgive myself and others and live in freedom to allow them to be whatever and however they are, enjoying the best, forgetting the rest! It all brings peace of heart in accepting myself, peace of heart in accepting others.
This also made me think of the shows on HGTV, House Hunters. Everyone wants all the updates & the newest of things in used homes. And they are AGHAST if a home doesn't have wood floors or granite countertops! Would that our hearts & souls would be as "updated" as our homes or cars or wardrobe!
I can answer yes to that second-last question considering how I feel right after I’ve gone to confession. God and I are reunited; I’ve been returned to my baptismal innocence. There is difficulty with the reunion with our neighbor part of it, at least sometimes. Though I may forgive someone in my heart and take some outward step to heal a rift, the other person (s) may not be so open or inclined to accept or reciprocate. It’s vogue to stand one’s ground and reconciliation and forgiveness is sometimes viewed as weakness in our individualistic society. I hand situations like those over to God at mass. I like do-it-yourself renovation projects, but some things are best left to a professional, or at least turn out better if I consult a professional before undertaking the task. At every mass Jesus (the Master carpenter) continues His saving work like He carried out his healing and reconciliation of people a couple thousand years ago. But we need to have faith in Him. We know that not everyone he came in contact with was open to his message and that he could not do any great works for some people because they were stubborn. Yet we only need to seek him out, like the crowds did in the gospel today and we do at mass, and He instantly pities us. I might not feel reconciled with people despite the efforts I make, but I sense God’s healing at mass nonetheless. And I never know when He will present me with a new tool (even more amazing than what you see on This Old House) to tackle whatever debris is left from that dividing wall He’s demolished between myself my neighbors.
HA!!!!!! this is too, too coincidental not to share with you Father. I just contacted a renovation Architect for a position in reconstruction of old, landmark, historical buildings . . . but our Lord asked me to stay with Him in the spiritual world for His Church.
I can relate to your "reconstuction" mind with Christ Jesus.
I like this link being made of salvation with reconciliation. There is constant need for that (reconciliation) because there is always some brokenness to be found in our lives. And typically, when repair is made, the presence of God with his mercy and love is easier for us to see and feel.
The Eucharist puts us "in touch" with this reconciliation. Words that ask God to bring us "together in unity" and "heal us of all division" help us express this heartfelt need we have. And to state that "when we were lost and could not find our way to you, you loved us more than ever" helps us remember that we are held dearly close to our God - all the time. Those are words of encouragement for me every time they are spoken.
I also see that we, in our communion with Christ, play a role in this reparation in the world - by uniting our sweat and blood with His. In this way too, the Eucharist is our saving grace - not only by uniting us in a bond of love, but by replenishing us and giving us strength for yet another week of reconstruction. We leave the church doors with the aim to walk "in a perfect heart" and to make our contribution to His will of "oneness".
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