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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 8 Homily Prep

-Last Sunday's homily is available
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at
 -check out this weeks LinC letter at
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 5:30 and 11:00am

Why are you so angry all the time?

That phrase is the reframe to a country music song but it might be the best question we could ask this Lent.  Some of us are "angry all the time".all of us are angry sometimes. Our Lenten mission speaker Bro Loughlan Sofield, at last week's mission part I discussed with us what makes us angry and the role that anger plays in destroying our communion.

The question might be first asked what made Jesus angry? Do you and I know what to do with our anger so that it becomes part of the remedy of our broken communion rather than the source of it?

Let's see...


anon-dote said...

Such a great questions - "what to do with our anger so that it becomes part of the remedy of our broken communion rather than the source of it". It was love for his Father that drove Jesus to anger. I am wondering if that's the irony of what we can learn here. As Loughlan Sofield said, if we didn't love there would be no cause of anger. But as you point, we also need to find and place love in our reaction to that which causes the anger. Again Jesus shows us the way, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Pity and compassion are the great antidotes.

JoyFuralle said...

Hmmmm....a lot of anger is veiled, people hide from it or joke about it, trying to make it inconsequential. I was trying to consider less obvious forms of anger ... Being miffed, being silent, even being bothered, out of sorts, annoyed ... All are forms of anger many people just don't realize.

Heard a great line ... Anger at its root is violence. When I heard it years ago, I was at Mass, and my son and I had a disagreement that was less than lovely. When the priest said that during the homily, it drove it home how true that is.