-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at www.usccb.org/readings
-check out this weeks LinC letter at www.parishLinCLetter.blogspot.com
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 4;00pm on Saturday, 12:30pm on Sunday
The DNA of Believers
DNA is the substance of our bodily development and the pattern of the full flowering. Any disturbance or defect in the embryonic DNA is observable in the bodily manifestation of the full grown adult. Conversely, the genome project has helped us to see that all the DNA are discoverable in the basic genes of the adult human body.
And also with our spiritual lives of faith lived in the Body of Christ, the Church = Communion!
Franciscan Fr. Richard Rohr has written
"The Christian belief in the Trinity makes it clear that God is an event of communion. God is not a noun nearly as much as a verb. We’ve always thought of God as an autonomous Supreme Being, rather than as Being itself, as an energy that moves within itself (“Father”), beyond itself (“Christ”), and drawing us into itself (“Holy Spirit”). When Christianity begins to take this pivotal and central doctrine of the Trinity with practical seriousness, it will be renewed on every level.
All of creation is a perfect giving and a perfect receiving between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with no withholding and no rejecting. St. Bonaventure called God “A Fountain Fullness.” Once we begin with outpouring love as the foundational pattern of reality, and love as the very shape of God, then everything somehow has to fall into that same family resemblance. If this is the Creator, then somehow this must be the DNA of all of the creatures."
What a beautiful reflection and helpful teaching on the Trinity! In thinking on it, I was drawn into applying it to members of family where we have a natural tendency to restrict individuals to a particular role or way of relating to one another. Those individuals, while they have a specific PLACE in the family (mother, father, child) - as children of God, each made in the image of God - they all have the capability of relating to one another in varied ways. For instance, the child may at times create for a parent a new way of living or seeing, if the parent allows themselves to be in a position of learning and receiving from the child. I remember personally experiencing this from my teenage daughter when she helped me grow into a deeper conversion of faith as I saw her discovering and living out her own exciting conversion. It was a surprise and joy to me to find that I could learn from my own child - whom I had always considered as someone to learn from me!
I think that allowing ourselves to be open to God as a verb instead of a noun can have a positive outcome on our loving and relating to one another - as well as influence how we can further understand ourselves as made in God's image.
As the Trinity lifts more and more the veil of faith of the mystery of unity of three persons, the beauty becomes more and more vividly clear.
Just as a married couple, or two people very much spiritually united with each other in a beautiful bond of love, can be thinking and feeling the same thing at the very same moment even if they are miles away from each other in physical space. The reality of the communion with each other in that bond of love reveals to us just how truly united we are and the beauty becomes increasingly more beautiful.
The God who is there (F Schaffer), the great I AM, existing, omnipresent, life itself expressed in the Trinity. The great mystery that we can barely perceive is a wonderful spiritual example of Paul's "we see through a glass darkly..." the beauty of perfect life in Christ who is present especially in communion. Fr. Rohr's illumination is so perfect. God being a verb. By all action, all life is God. The Trinity is here, existing The Word which is the essence of God and is God as expressed in the Trinity.
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