-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at www.usccb.org/readings
-check out this weeks LinC letter at www.parishLinCLetter.blogspot.com
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 5:30 on Saturday and 11:00 and 12:30 on Sunday
What, what?
I was in the barbershop this week and the barber said "Father, a lot of my Catholic customers are unhappy with the churches response to the Supreme Court decision last week." Since I was reclined in the chair and the barber was holding sharp objects I couldn't escape and I did not try avoid the conversation.
I thought the barber's description of the problem was interesting. He didn't say that the Catholic customers were upset with the Supreme Court decision, he said the customers were upset with the church in their response.
This Fourth of July weekend and the scripture text of this 14th Sunday of the year do seem to be a graceful coincidence and opportunity to reflect upon the mission of the church in a democratic free society.
The mission of the church is perfectly laid out for us as that of the role of "prophet". Ezekiel before him and Jesus in his home town are being witnesses to what God is doing through the church in the world. To be prophetic is to speak on behalf of the other, in this case God. As the first half of the word pro-phet is the root of our English word "proclaim". To proclaim God's marvelous deeds is the role of Jesus and thus the church in the world.
The world to which the church is called to proclaim God's love and mercy is described in the scriptures today as one that is hostile, at least suspicious of the prophet among them. This attitude of hostility or suspicion is one that fits our contemporary situation as Americans who breathe free. Today's culture in America is often reminding us of the freedom OF religion in our constitution but more aggressively today a freedom FROM religion which is tragic for society.
This hostility or suspicion of religion and prophets in America today has the same effect upon God as it did in Jesus' hometown. He could not work many miracles there because of their lack of faith. If we poll Catholics in the pew about these very difficult subjects the polling numbers tell us that the majority of Catholics have rejected the church's prophetic stance on many issues over the years.
The church has been clear and truthful in its teaching on human sexuality and marriage. The church has been brilliant and prophetic in its reflection upon he dignity of human life and persons. I am afraid, however, that our society's desire to be free from religion has pretty much rejected this message from God. Even among our greatest Catholics.
So, Catholics today are upset with the pastors' response in the Supreme Court decision. So what would faithful Catholics like to hear?
I think that is such an interesting distinction that you point out - that Catholics are stating their upset with the Church's response - not stating their upset with the Supreme Court decision. It's a reminder to me that so often the people of the Church forget that THEY ARE a significant part of the Church. Our voices joined together with those of our religious leaders can go a long way in presenting the Church's prophetic voice to the world on issues such as same sex marriage.
And what would I hope those voices joined together would say? Most of all I would hope to hear voices filled with love and compassion for all people. The issue of same sex marriage is a difficult one because it is filled with cries of loneliness and frustration from people who are feeling unloved and unaccepted. In fact, they often times feel hated. And likewise the issue is filled with a genuine and sincere desire from many - on both "sides" of the issue - who are wanting desperately to understand God's will for us all and looking for the right moral direction.
My own voice that is joined with those compassionate Catholic voices would also echo what we heard from Bishop Walkowiak earlier in the week. Marriage is a unique relationship between man and woman, rooted in nature, that needs to be promoted and strengthened. Where would we all be if it were not for the beautiful and intimate bond between a man and a woman? Humankind would eventually cease to exist! Same sex marriage cannot fulfill that role - and therefore we recognize the marriage between man and woman as a sacred gift. Only that relationship is able to participate in the hand of our creating God in such a powerful way!
But most of all, let's join our voices in prayer for all - and recognize the good in all people. Let's pray for understanding and guidance. And let's pray that "the Church" - all of our voices joined together, no matter what our sexual orientation - finds our way in fulfilling God's will for us so that one day we may be one.
Several weeks ago while I was at morning Mass one of the priests was telling us about a Catholic Bishop (not from our Diocese) who stated that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same sex marriage than he will no longer be a part of being a witness to "the legal" aspect of marriage (which the Church does require). Which means, if a catholic man and women come to him and want to marry (which they have to "be a part of" our now "legal" definition of the marriage) he would not perform the marriage because he felt he would be saying "ok" to this new "definition" of marriage.
After Mass I just thought WOW, his decision is heavy duty proclamation of the real dignity of God's definition of Marriage.
The Bishop did state that he would bless marriages but refused to marry a man and a women because of the new legal definition of Marriage.
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