Last Sunday's homily is available by email request
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at
-check out this weeks LinC letter at
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 11:00am and 6:00pm on Sunday
Freedom for Life
The young man in the gospel is not free to accept the gift of eternal life. To what is your heart attached so much so that you would choose it over the offer of real life?
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Get into the ring! How this works...
This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!
The question is really to the heart of the matter! We humans are easily tempted to get "caught up" in the wrong thing - or relationship - or ideology! The rich young man is actually "poor", as we so often are too. Poor because our hearts are tied up and can miss the priority on which to focus. Thank God for Mother Church to whom we can continue to turn for guidance and support.
Two steps: Ask what one needs to do .. Then Do It. Today the question is not being asked. The Truth of Eternal Life & the Gospel is not asked.People are distracted & not taught priorities & self discipline. Society never gets to the point of questioning. If we do arrive at that point are we able to give up our most treasured asset? The passage appears to be about the absolute primacy of Christ in our life. The saints understand this and an examination of their lives helps us to understand this passage to give up all for the kingdom of God.
I like the question. I'm just not sure if I have eyes to see it or know it. BUT I trust the Lord to lead me & reveal it when I can see it/accept it. Looking forward to hearing more, Father!
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