-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at USCCB.org/readings
-check out this weeks LinC letter at www.parishLinCLetter.blogspot.com
-I will be celebrating mass this weekend at 11:00am and 12:30pm
One in Truth
I am remembering Jesus words "You call me Lord, Lord but I say to you, I don't know you". So there is something greater about Jesus' kingdom than Jesus' name, claiming to be a friend of Jesus. It's deeper than that.
How about the teaching that "there is no other name than that of Jesus" or "no one can come to the Father but through me". The Kingdom of Jesus has got to bigger than our speech, our name, his name. Jesus even said "righteous Father, I made known to them your name" Using the name of Jesus or claiming to be his disciple as a Christian, making the sign of the cross on oneself or NOT cannot be what it means to belong to Christ's Kingdom. Is bigger than that.
To belong to the Kingdom of Christ our King must mean that one "belongs to the Truth" as he says in the gospel today.
The "coin of the realm" of Christ the King is Truth. That's capital T Truth, as in an objective reality out there that we know is THE Truth! Recall that Jesus promised his followers the Spirit of Truth "who will remind you everything that I taught you". And again, "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth" (not to Jesus?????)
With all the hate, violence, terror, in the name of religion going on in the world today it is impossible by listening to people's words to identify those who are of the kingdom of God. One must really put on the "ears of the Spirit" and look for the truth.
All who belong to the TRUTH listen to Jesus. In fact all who belong to the TRUTH belong to Jesus.
Are you of the Kingdom of Christ our King? Do you belong to the TRUTH? How can the world tell?
To belong to the Kingdom of Christ our King must mean that one "belongs to the Truth" as he says in the gospel today.
The "coin of the realm" of Christ the King is Truth. That's capital T Truth, as in an objective reality out there that we know is THE Truth! Recall that Jesus promised his followers the Spirit of Truth "who will remind you everything that I taught you". And again, "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth" (not to Jesus?????)
With all the hate, violence, terror, in the name of religion going on in the world today it is impossible by listening to people's words to identify those who are of the kingdom of God. One must really put on the "ears of the Spirit" and look for the truth.
All who belong to the TRUTH listen to Jesus. In fact all who belong to the TRUTH belong to Jesus.
Are you of the Kingdom of Christ our King? Do you belong to the TRUTH? How can the world tell?
I think that I know the answer to these questions - because I believe I see and witness the Truth when Love is made visible. But then I am perplexed when I realize that others who kill in the name of their religion believe that they belong to the Truth. I am not sure how they can ever be convinced that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But as for me (and my house), I am clinging to that great last line of this week's Gospel: "Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me voice." That direction is as clear as a bell.
My first thought on reading the blog was, 'what is truth'? Famous line!!! My next question to myself was, am I truth? In what ways am I NOT truth? And a thing or two comes to mind! I understand & hear your direction, I think most will hear it & not get it. Or hear it & feel good about themselves, their lives, like the two men praying in the temple. Glad I'm not like 'that' guy!!!
In general I we are not thinking deeply enough or connecting the dots to hear what you're saying, Father, to LIVE it! We should hear The Word, your words (Truth!) and have a resolution or determination ... But I don't think that happens.
We all sin! And our culture is trying to change truth, make it relative to what I think & do & want. And until we stop saying 'well, we're only human' we're not understanding we are meant to be the truth, the way, the life. Can you imagine standing before our congregation & YOU saying, 'Who here is the way, the truth, the life'. No one would stand!!! We should all stand, not because of who we are, but because of who lives in us, who leads us, who we look to to be our All & Everything. Sorry if this is rambling ...I really, really pray people hear the Truth of the homily and have stronger purpose/resolve/love...
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