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Get into the ring! How this works...

This is easy! Each week on Thursday I post my homily main focus for preaching this coming Sunday. What I am hoping for is a reaction from people in the pews. Does my "focus" connect with your daily life, faith, and experience? Or not? Either affirm the direction I am going in (by giving me an example from your life) or challenge me, ask for clarification! Questions are the best! Reaction rather than reflection is what I'm looking for here. Don't be afraid, get in the ring. Ole!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Homily Prep June 12

Last Sunday's homily is available by email
-This Sunday's Scriptures can be found at
-check out this weeks LinC letter at
-I will be celebrating mass at 5:30 on Saturday and 6:00pm on Sunday

Did you get that?

 The gospel scene observed by Simon and the others of Jesus forgiving the sinful woman is a reminder of the gospel text last Sunday of the raising of the widow's son. If you recall,  when the people observed Jesus's miracle of raising the dead man they announced "a great prophet is among us. God has visited his people".

 This week's Gospel story of Jesus forgiving the sinful woman produces almost the identical reaction, "who is this that forgives sin?"   Both of these public acts of Jesus "reveal" who Jesus is.

This Sunday's miracle and revelation of who Jesus is strikes at a more personal note to all of us. It is by the forgiveness of sin  that others come to see "who Jesus is". He is the savior, Joshua, who will save his people from their sins (as the angel said of him and his conception.)

Have you ever experienced the action of God in your life that has revealed to you that God is for you? Have you ever experienced the great mercy of God or forgiveness that prompted you to say "this is my God"?


Work In Progress said...

Something that strikes me about God in my life is that even though it is clear to me that I am a "work in progress" in the hands of God - even though I am a sinner and am aware of my brokenness - there are two things in particular that stand out to me as evidence of God's mercy for me and all of us.

One is that I love to love. Whether it's new people that come into my life (like my granddaughter) - or people that have been in my life for a long time (like siblings and friends) - it brings me great happiness to share my love with them. God has made us so.

And the second is that I love to work. I get great satisfaction out of accomplishing things that are goals and intentions of mine through the actions of my job and I find joy in touching the people I touch through the duties of my work (there's that love to love again).

In both of these ways, God allows me - and actually invites me - to work together with Him in building up His Kingdom here on earth - even though He knows that sometimes (lots of times) I don't get it right. I fall down - I hurt myself and sometimes hurt others. But He always gives me more opportunities to love and to collaborate with Him in my work. He still trusts me as a partner of sorts and embraces who I am and am meant to be. I love that.

The Matador said...

What a beautiful and true personal mission statement.

JoyFuralle said...

Wow, I am one in mind and heart with Work in Progess ... I love to love 💞💗💓💟 ... And a new knowledge within that I am Created, fashioned, to love & give ... And something has happened as of late that feels like miracle after miracle in the ordinary ... I am MADE and CREATED to love & give ... It's a natural outpouring, not necessarily me 'doing good things'. And while it is happening in my concious participation ... I am realizing it is happening ALWAYS in my very BEING .... IN SIMPLY LIVING & BREATHING ... Reminds me of a flower rooted in soil lifting its head to the sunshine & rain that simply grows. 🌷

Anonymous said...

The most powerful experience of God in my life; when I knew that God was for me, was the greatest love that He has blessed me with to share with one very special. It was through that love, He showed me that very personal love, that made me cry out: "This is the great power of my God" . . . like no other experience of my life.

Anonymous said...

God is once again calling. His acting in my life, and my living to do His Will means my obedience in my faith for God may be taking me in another direction. The ebb and flow makes me fervent!

Anonymous said...

Much said about love! God has been merciful to me a sinner! And God knows and loves me! He has shown me great ways to love and to be loved by my husband - a very intense soul mate love ! A great gift from God! This is my God that knows all and is pure love himself!